Creating a better future for youth.

Planet Youth Timmins

Planet Youth is Timmins’ local version of the Icelandic Prevention Model (IPM). The IPM is a proven approach that prevents substance use and promotes well-being among youth. This is done by using local data, scientific evidence, policy changes, and increasing community participation. It works by changing the social environment of youth, rather than trying to change youth themselves.

Planet Youth Guiding Principles

  • Society is the Patient

    Applies a primary prevention approach that is designed to enhance the social environment in communities over time. Youth outcomes are a direct reflection of the environments they live and grow in.

  • Meaningful Connection is a Treatment

    Enhances connection between children and their families, peers, schools, communities, and adults. Schools are embraced as the natural hub of neighbourhood efforts to support child and adolescent health, learning, and life success.

  • Sustained Attention as a Treatment

    Engages and empowers community members to make practical decisions using local, high-quality, accessible data and diagnostics.

  • Builds Capacity for Leadership and Problem-Solving

    Integrate researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and community members into a unified team dedicated to solving complex, real-world problems.

  • Match the Scope of the Solution to the Scope of the Problem

    Encourages authentic assessment of the problem and the solution. It’s important to remember this effort calls for realistic timeframes, a long-term commitment and funding.